Our faculty members and graduate students are working on exciting research projects that are making a difference locally and around the world. The stories below are just a few of the many projects we currently have under way.


Our labs and centres form the foundation of our research eff­orts, where our faculty work with a number of community partners to advance knowledge and practice in the field of psychology and provide hands on research and learning opportunities for students.


The Centre works to identify eff­ective services for children and families at risk of maltreatment. We look at the kinds of services that are available to help children and families, but also what the evidence shows about what kinds of support help the most.

“I think the main contribution that the centre makes is to support the development of models of service delivery that are based on research, to study the implementation of those models, and to engage in knowledge translation so that other people around the province, around the nation, and internationally can use the learning that we have and apply it in their own communities.”

Susan Wells
Professor, Social Work & Psychology
Director, Centre for the Study of Services to Children & Families

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Looking at cognition, substance use/abuse, associations and memory, with a particular focus on substance use in adolescents, mindful rest training in relation to substance use, and implicit cognitions.

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Studying the social psychological processes occurring within groups and between groups, with a particular focus on stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination.

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Traditionally, psychology has focused on what is wrong with you and how to fix it.  We study what is right with you (e.g., happiness) and how to promote it.

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Investigating the impact of psychosocial factors, such as stress, mood and social support on physical health and well-being.  We are particularly interested in understanding the ways in which social relationships influence emotional and physical health among healthy and chronically ill populations.

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Using platforms such as eye-tracking, EEG, behavioural testing and neuropsychological assessment to better understand the cognitive aspects of psychopathology, as well as functional outcome following stroke and brain injury.

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Focusing on the use of cannabis and psychedelics for therapeutic and recreational purposes, the lab examines the associations between cannabis use, mental health and addictions.

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Located on the UBCO campus, the clinic provides cost-effective treatment options to students, staff, faculty and the general public. Treatment is provided by graduate students under supervision of qualified, trained professionals.

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Research Themes

Cannabis Use

Examining the therapeutic and nontherapeutic use of cannabis, with a specific focus on cannabis, mental health, and substance use.

Computer-mediated Communication

Online collaborative games designed to promote understanding of self and others as well as meaning in life.

Cognition and Substance Use

Examining the role of cognitive processes in the development of substance use behaviours. This research studies substance use as multifaceted behavior influenced by both rational and spontaneous thinking.

Rural mental health

Understanding the mental health-related experiences of adults 50+ years of age who live in rural communities. Specific studies explore stigma, gaps and barriers to accessing mental health-related services in these communities, and the development and implementation of community-based services and supports.

Abnormal Psychology

Differentiating normal and abnormal personality using state of the art statistical and psychometric methods. Interpersonal behavior patterns associated with psychopathology.

Statistics Research and Methods

Best methods and programming options for factor analysis, item response theory and Bayesian data analysis.

Cognitive Psychology

How does your mind work? What are the links between mind and brain operations? These are the topics investigated by cognitive researchers.

Laterality / Brain Hemisphere Interactions

Is one of the brain’s hemispheres better than the other at performing a task? Are two hemispheres better than one? These are the questions investigated by research into laterality and hemispheric interaction, respectively.

Health Psychology

The study of psychological and behavioral processes in health, illness and healthcare. It is concerned with understanding how psychological, behavioral and cultural factors contribute to physical health and illness.


Conducting empirical studies on creative style and creative influences, computational models of the cultural evolution of creative ideas and computational creativity experiments in art and music.

Positive Psychology / Happiness and Well-being

Though much of psychology focuses on dysfunction and deficits, positive psychology focuses on strengths and thriving through researching strategies that contribute to enduring enhancement of happiness.

Social and Personality

The study of the development of personality and individualistic traits. Personality psychologists look at people as individuals rather than as members of society. Social psychology is the study of how people’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviours are influenced by social situations.

Our Partners and Donors

Together, we are making a difference, locally and around the world. Our partners and donors allow us to carry out our mission of helping the community, making advancements in psychological research, and providing quality education in the field of psychology.

If you are interested in becoming a partner or donor, we would love to hear from you.